Time-tested and true.
We have selected these model portfolios to be part of our Legacy Class because they have withstood the test of time, providing consistent returns over the course of years. These reliable investments can act as a stable safety net even as markets seem uncertain.


U.S. Equity Portfolio


Year to date as of July 2019

Growth of $100 Investment Made on January 1, 2010

Global Equity Portfolio


Year to date as of July 2019

Growth of $100 Investment Made on January 1, 2009

International Equity Portfolio


Year to date as of July 2019

Growth of $100 Investment Made on January 1, 2012

Not all models are created equal.

Vanguard’s strategic model portfolios offer highly diversified, yet balanced investment options, differentiated by the allocation of their assets into fixed income and equity. Putting an emphasis on one or the other provides different benefits that you should consider when deciding which model is right for you.

More Equity

Contributions are invested primarily in funds categorized as fixed income to provide more modest returns accompanied by less risk.


An even distribution of assets provides consistent returns while still reserving some assets to invest in more progressive, less predictable funds.

More Fixed Income

Investing in equity requires more active investing and monitoring the market, and can work in the favor of more experienced investors.

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